Sunday, December 3, 2006


Hey guys,

This is The Reverend, Jake Nelko, from Pittsburgh's Progressive FM, 92.1 WPTS. WPTS is a non-commercial radio station owned and run by the University of Pittsburgh and its students. My DJ spot is referred to as the "Almost the Weekend" show and can be heard on Thursday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm. This blog is meant to keep my listeners and potential listeners up-to-date with what I've been playing and to give people and idea of what they'd hear of they listened to my show. You can listen to me or any of the other fabulous DJs from WPTS on 92.1fm in Pittsburgh or at

On my show I play a variety of rock music, mixing in some rap. At the bottom of each hour (2:30 and 3:30) I play a song from my "New Music Pick" for the week. My Pick is usually a new CD which I have reviewed for WPTS and will play on my show before the CD reaches rotation to be played by other DJs, thusly my listeners get a first listen to a new CD which I have deemed worthy to be previewed on my show.

The CDs I've been playing the most over the last few weeks include:

The Killers - Sam's Town
Rx Bandits - ...And the Battle Begun
mewithoutYou - Brother, Sister
Copeland - Eat, Sleep, Repeat
MxPx - Let's Rock

To give you a little insight as far as my music tastes, I'll list a few of my favorite bands. Basically all of my music tastes include different forms of rock and are mostly Christian bands or bands with whom I have become familiar from DJing at WPTS. The bands with stars (*) next to their names are bands whose CDs we have at WPTS and are played on my show.

Squad Five-O
David Crowder Band
Rx Bandits*
The Killers*
Project 86*
Jeremy Camp
Chris Tomlin
My Chemical Romance*

Thanks for checking out the blog, check back every week to see what's been played on my show, feel free to leave feedback, and keep listening to Pittsburgh's Progressive FM, 92.1 WPTS!

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